What is A Virtual Yoga Class?
Virtual Yoga & Barre
Virtual yoga & barre, what a concept. Thank you, covid. Before the pandemic hit, virtual yoga or virtual workout classes essentially meant going onto youtube and pressing play on a prerecorded yoga class. Within the first few weeks of the global shut down, True Blue put all of their regularly scheduled True Blue classes online via ZOOM. Now we have a library filled with hundreds of our classes, with more being added each week.
Virtual classes were new to many people, including me. It takes discipline, it takes surrender and commitment. When we arrive at a traditional studio class, we have the time in our car to drive & decompress. We have the act and routine of taking off our shoes, taking off layers of clothes, rolling out our mat, and arriving in a quiet and calm space. Taking our practice to our homes really brings yoga back to its purpose.
In order to zone out in our homes, we have to come inwards in a totally new way. While this might be hard at times, we can realize that yoga is not in a place, it's not in one moment, it's always with us and always available. Yoga is tuning out the world so you can tune into yourself. This doesn’t happen in one room, it is everywhere.
Set up your home space, or take your yoga practice with you and tune in from anywhere in the world.